Poached egg with chorize, potato and tomato
On Saturday afternoon I made this poached egg with chorizo, tomato, chilli and potato dish using the ingredients we had in the fridge. I...

Chocolate coconut cake doughnuts recipe by Tanya Gulati
These lovely chocolate coconut cake douhnuts have taken our love of coconut to an other level. They went down a treat on a cold Sunday...

Comfort food - beans cassarole
Lately there is a lot of talk about the comfort food and I have been thinking about what our comfort food is as a family. The other day...

Aubergines with tomato, onion and garlic
Inspired by the Ottolenghi aubergine recipe yesterday I made this version of Turkish aubergine dish "Imam bayildi". Usually aubergines...

Antalya - local food
We have been away for a week in Turkey. Spend the weekend in Antalya and I couldn't help but share the local food we had in two...

Gluten-free savory cheese scones / pogacha
Last night I had a go at gluten free baking. I am happy to say that my first attempt was succesful and delicious. Here is the recipe;...

Apple and orange crumble tart
I made this apple and orange crumble tart to take to our firends. Recipe is by Dan Lepard and from goodfood australia website, link here....

Chicken Schnitzel and Coleslaw
It was my 6-year-old daughter's turn to cook on Sunday evening. First we openned up our Bbc Good Food magazine 25th Birthday issue and...

Herby Rye Pogacha with cheese
Another Pogaca recipe, almost same as the previous "olive pogaca" recipe but this is shaped as pockets of cheese and this is a herb...

Lemony leek stew
This is a Turkish dish called "Zeytinyagli pirasa" which means "leeks with olive oil". I used to hate this dish and any leek dish when I...