Green beans, carrot meze salad and carrot cake
We had a veggie dinner tonight. Green beans cooked Turkish way, green salan and a carrot meze salad was on the table. Green beans are...

Lemon wheel cookies
Last Saturday we had a go at Lemon wheel cookies, Gretchen Holt-Witt's happy dish from Sweet Paul Magazine. These are very pretty looking...

Artichoke hearts
My lovely husband brought home 15 artichoke hearts from his trip to Turkey. We can hardly find them in London and they are far difficult...

Cranberry and pear pies
I have been baking these pies every Christmas for the last 3 years. They are not mince pies, we are not very keen on mincemeat anyway....

Mint truffles
I have been busy making the present for the office secret santa last night. I decided to make a box of chocolates for a lovely firend of...

Lamb curry
We are having lamb curry tonight. Thanks to the Japanese shop that I came across on the way from work to home we discovered S&B golden...
We had Jamie Oliver's brisket recipe tonight. It was very good, I have replaced the oregano with rosemary as we didn't have any oregano...

Yesterday I had this lovely "simit" for breakfast. My simit is a bit softer version of the traditional "simit" as I make the dough with...

Granary bread
These beauties were baking in our oven this morning. It is a easy to follow recipe and the result is delicious everytime I make it. ...

Noodles with shimenji mushrooms
Hello from our household on this cold November evening. On this blog I will be posting photos of what we have been cooking at our place....