Kapuska, Cabbage stew with beef

An other dish that is delicious and fits right into the 8 week blood sugar diet (or the fast 800), Kapuska, as we call it, is a cabbage stew made with beef (or lamb) or without meat as a vegan option.
I make it mostly with beef, here’s the recipe.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion finely diced
250gr beef mince (optional)
1 green chilli deseeded and finely sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely sliced
2 tablespoon tomato paste
1 teaspoon chilli flakes
1 cup of hot water
1/2 head of white cabbage finely sliced, with a mandolin if you have one
2 carrots, finely sliced with mandolin or grated
1/2 cup of wholemeal bulgur (or bulgur) Handful of parsley, finely chopped
Heat the olive oil in a pan with a lid and add the onions and meat, sauté on low heat breaking it up time to time until the meat is browned evenly.
Add the garlic and chilli and cook for 2 more minutes.
Add the tomato paste, water, chilli flakes, 1 teaspoon salt then mix it well with a spoon.
Add the cabbage and carrots and stir until they are covered in sauce.
Sprinkle the bulgur in the pan evenly, bring to boil then turn the heat down and close the lid. Cook on low for 30 minutes or until the cabbage is cooked and soft. It may take longer if the cabbage is sliced thicker.
Once cooked sprinkle the parsley and serve warm with yogurt and preferably a salad on side.